About Us
The Directorate of Institute of Preventive Medicine, Public Health Laboratories and Food [Health] Administration handles matters of concern to public health.
The main functions and services of the Directorate are:
- Virology Laboratory - Influenza-A (H1N1) Diagnosis
- BSQC - Diagnosis of Dengu, Chickengunya, Meascles, Rubella
- International Vaccination
- Water Analysis
- Anti Rabies Clinic
- Food Safety Telangana
- State Food Laboratory Nacharam
- Pathological tests like CBP, ESR, HB% etc.
- Biochemical tests like Blood Sugar, Blood Urea etc.
- Serological test like Widal, VDRL HbsAg etc.
- Bacteriological tests like culture & sensitivity tests.
- Mycological tests.(Fungal Tests)
- HIV Screening. Weston blot
- Ultra sound